2013年6月9日 星期日

130603 大學圖書館

Resolution in Support of Academic Freedom
WHEREAS, academic institutions provide a forum for the robust(健壯) exchange of a diversity of ideas; and

WHEREAS, libraries in academic institutions guarantee(把握) that a wide array of ideas that promote academic discourse are available; and

WHEREAS, academic institutions have in place longstanding representative democratic structures for review and redress of grievances(怨氣); and

WHEREAS, most academic institutions follow the 1940 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) “ Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure(保有)” and their libraries follow the “ Freedom to Read Statement,” the “ Library Bill of Rights,” the “ Code of Professional Ethics for Librarians,” and the “ Core Values of Librarianship” that are consonant(和諧的) with the 1940 AAUP statement; and

WHEREAS, these statements are effective safeguards of academic freedom and embrace the free expression rights and responsibilities laid out in the First Amendment(修正案); and

WHEREAS, an “ Academic Bill of Rights” (ABOR) by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, a self-described conservative nonprofit organization, is being introduced in legislatures(立法機關) and academic institutions; and

WHEREAS, this “Academic Bill of Rights” would impose extra-academic standards on academic institutions, directly interfering in course content, the classroom, the research process, and hiring and tenure decisions; and

WHEREAS, this “Academic Bill of Rights” applies principles other than relevant(應用) scholarly standards, as interpreted and applied by the academic profession; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the American Library Association reaffirms(重申) the principles of academic freedom embodied in the American Association of University Professors’ “Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure” (1940); and be it further

RESOLVED, that the American Library Association opposes any legislation or codification(編碼) of documents like the “Academic Bill of Rights” (ABOR) that undermine academic and intellectual freedom, chill free speech, and/or otherwise interfere with the academic community’s well-established norms and values of scholarship and educational excellence.

pursuit of truth
the discovery of new knowledge
reasoned criticism
teaching students
transmission of knowledge and learning

2013年6月1日 星期六

130527 大學圖書館

1. 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)
2. International Resource Sharing and Document Delivery: Principles and Guidelines for Procedure
3. IFLA Universal Availability of Publications Core Activity (UAP) and Office for International Lending (OIL)

  1. 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(Nationwide Document Delivery Service)簡稱NDDS,是供國內圖書館申請全文資料之館際合作系統。為簡化各圖書館間之帳務處理,亦提供帳務結算沖銷功能。
  2. 本系統結合全國期刊聯合目錄與館際合作功能,提供讀者與館員查詢國內400 餘圖書館之館藏,可線上提出申請期刊、圖書、學位論文等資料之複印及圖書借閱等服務,並可隨時查詢申請狀態。
  3. 讀者第一次使用系統須先上網向所屬圖書館申請帳號。NDDS 是全國學術單位共同使用的系統,每人僅能申請一組帳號,若所屬單位異動,需連絡原單位刪除原帳號,才能選擇新單位重新註冊。
  4. 讀者申請件均須經所屬圖書館之館員審核後始送出,因各圖書館收費標準與借閱規則各不相同,建議先查詢聯合目錄並參考各館服務收費一覽表,決定被申請館後再提出申請。讀者如有任何問題請逕洽所屬圖書館館員。
  • 註:本系統原名「全國館際合作系統」ILL,2004 年由國研院科技政策中心(原國科會科資中心)自行維運後更名為NDDS。2006 年起本系統不再限於「中華圖書資訊館際合作協會」會員使用,凡國內具有圖書館(室)及館藏並能提供服務之政府單位、研究機構、公私立大專院校及文化中心,同意每年繳交系統使用費者,均可申請加入使用。
